I have a lot of new art but none of it scanned or loaded to the computer. A lot has been happening in my house so I have limited my work time.
I am close to finished with the art for the lamp project. I just made a beach scene for my entrepreneur project #2 (the Fair Trade Org.)and I have
another entrepreneur! For her I've been busy creating a logo, getting a brochure made, writing a bio and proposal. I am hopeful things will move fast for her. She might be my fastest project as I have a hopeful connection we are pursuing. Cross your fingers and hey, if you know anyone looking for help doing accent modification let me know. For those who might not know what that is, accent modification is for people who are learning a second language. In this case, English. For those hard to learn sounds an accent modification teacher helps them to learn to form their mouth to create these sounds. It is for people who have no speaking obstacles in their own language, this is only a tool to help people better enunciate words in their second language.
I hope to post some art very soon!